Tuesday 18 March 2008

Dear Ant and Dec

I think you are great on television but would love you to do more radio as I like to walk about and I feel restricted when I have to sit in a room and watch something.

If you did radio I would be able to listen to you on my portable and carry it around with me from room to room. Alternatively I could turn up the volume on my stereo but this may annoy the neighbours (they go mad at my tumble dryer). The walls in my house are thinner than Karen Carpenter.

Both of my hips have finally been replaced after 3 years in total on the NHS waiting list and my daughter thinks I'm doing marvelously, she lives in Dubai now but she telephones every Sunday morning so I'll tell her you said hello. May I please have a signed photo of you so I don't forget what your faces look like when you start on the radio? I've got photos of all of them off Radio Humberside, they've probably told you about me. Anyway, I'll be listening. good luck with it.


I just got a signed photo back, which will probably be worth a lot of money in the event that one of them should murder the other or something similarly scandalous!
I just took another look at the picture and it looks like Dec signed his name 'Sick', I wonder of he knew I was making it all up?

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